Performance Coach

Rae Williams

Personal Biography



Hello! My name is Rae Williams. I am TOR Performance Coach! I have been doing performance
training for 7 years now. Went to the University of Mount Olive. Received my degree in Exercise
Science. Took on an internship through EXOS with their Sports Performance unit here in
Raleigh. Previous to working in a rehabilitation setting post-op and ‘return to sport’ with Raleigh
Orthopeadic. Then I did a few years with a private sector performance gym for a few years.
I have worked with a variety of different athletes throughout my career. I’m excited to work with
Tor Futbol. There is a higher demand for athletes to do weight training and conditioning work to
give them a greater edge over other athletes while reducing injuries.
Recently, I started working with NCFC ENCL Academy Girls U15-19 this season. I would say I
have a holistic approach to training. I enjoy giving my athletes the ability to explore. What works
best for them with guidance. There are several ways to address performance training and every
athlete is different.

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